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@article{ Churiyah2023,
 title = {Village Information System (SIADA) Enhancing the Performance of Village Office Staff},
 author = {Churiyah, Madziatul and Prasetyo, Muhamad Aditya Yogi and Winarno, Agung and Istanti, Lulu Nurul},
 journal = {Path of Science},
 number = {8},
 pages = {3016-3025},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2023},
 issn = {2413-9009},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Utilising systems in the administrative process can enhance employee performance and expedite tasks related to archiving and document retrieval. This research aims to develop a Microsoft Access-based administrative information system that has undergone validation by subject matter experts, system experts, and user testing. Furthermore, it assesses the effectiveness of utilising the Microsoft Access-based Administrative Information System. This research employs the Research and Development (R&D) method with the AD-DIE model. The data collected in this study encompass both quantitative and qualitative data, with data analysis techniques involving descriptive statistics. The study results in the creating of the Village Information System (Sistem Informasi Desa – SIADA), which can archive original letter files and automatically categorise outgoing letter data by type. This product has been found highly suitable for use and tested on Village Office staff, improving employee performance at the Jogomerto Village Office, Nganjuk Regency. Future researchers are encouraged to enhance Microsoft Access-based administrative information systems by introducing additional features, such as letter scanning, without needing a dedicated camera or external assistance.},
 keywords = {Informationssystem; information system; Verwaltungsverfahren; administrative procedure; Forschung und Entwicklung; research and development; Kommunalverwaltung; municipal administration}}