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@article{ Zakharchenko2023,
 title = {Scholars' Attention to Ukraine: the Same Problems as in the Mass Media},
 author = {Zakharchenko, Artem},
 journal = {Ukrainian Analytical Digest},
 number = {2},
 pages = {9-10},
 year = {2023},
 issn = {2941-7139},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {There are two main problems with scholarly research
on Ukraine, and they are roughly the same as the problems
with the attention to our country from the mainstream
world media.
The first of these is common to most other nonleading
countries: most publications remember them
only when something extraordinary happens there. For
example, the largest war in Europe since World War II.
The second problem is more specific: Russian strategic
narratives, or, in other words, Russian propaganda,
can infiltrate scientific articles. After all, scientific journals
are also media. They disseminate information about
the real world, and therefore they can also set an agenda
or present one’s own interpretation of events.},