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@article{ Cieślewska2023,
 title = {Armenians and Azerbaijanis in Georgia: The Role of Religion, Religious Institutions, and Networks in the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War},
 author = {Cieślewska, Anna},
 journal = {Caucasus Analytical Digest},
 number = {134},
 pages = {12-16},
 year = {2023},
 issn = {1867-9323},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article examines the influence of religion, religious institutions, and networks on Armenians and Azerbaijanis
in Georgia during and after the 2020 Karabakh War. It analyses the opinions of members of both communities
on the role of religion in the Karabakh conflict and how religious institutions used their resources
during and after the 2020 war. It also examines how Armenians and Azerbaijanis in Georgia have accommodated
religious symbols and rhetoric in the context of the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War.},