Endnote export


%T "Siding with the people" or "Occupying force"? Local perceptions of African Union and ECOWAS interventions in the Gambia
%A Birchinger, Sophia
%A Jaw, Sait Matty
%A Bah, Omar M.
%A Witt, Antonia
%P 33
%V 3/2023
%D 2023
%K Afrikanische internationale Organisation; Economic Community of West African States; Intervention; Friedenssicherungsfunktion internationaler Akteure; Beziehungen friedensichernder Organe mit dem Gastland; Perzeption; Meinung/Einstellung
%@ 978-3-946459-87-3
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-89892-6
%X How do African citizens experience and evaluate African regional inter­ventions? This re­search report exa­mines the case of The Gam­bia to assess local percep­tions of the African Union and ECOWAS, particu­larly of their inter­ventions in that country since 2016. It is the result of colla­bora­tive and empiri­cally comprehen­sive research carried out across the country in 2021/2022. We demon­strate that percep­tions of the interven­tions in The Gambia are complex and diverge starkly, at times even contra­dicting each other. We explain this com­plexity as resul­ting from spatial, tempo­ral, and sociopo­litical factors that affect how these Afri­can regio­nal inter­ventions are (diffe­rently) perceived.
%C Frankfurt am Main
%G en
%9 Arbeitspapier
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info