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@article{ Mondela2023,
 title = {The Strategies of Service Delivery Adopted by Private Security Firms in Crime Prevention in Nairobi County, Kenya},
 author = {Mondela, Lukalia George and Sirera, Ann Merecia},
 journal = {Path of Science},
 number = {4},
 pages = {5016-5030},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2023},
 issn = {2413-9009},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {National security is vital for achieving social, economic and political objectives. Given these critical aspects of security, a country across the globe can only satisfy the security need with support from other participants, such as the community and by partnering with private security firms. With the particular requirement and level of training that PSFs offer their personnel, a partnership of police and PSFs in crime detection and prevention is critical in providing security across the Country. This study sought to establish the service delivery strategies adopted by private security firms in dealing with crime. This study was modelled by the resource-based view theory s that offered a discernment of what options the private security firms present in addressing the diverse challenges emanating from ineffective strategic decisions in service delivery. A descriptive survey research design employing mixed methods approach in data collection was utilized to undertake the study. The target population constituted managers, supervisors, clients, and private security guards drawn from a sorted group of private security firms in Nairobi County. A multistage sampling approach employing clustering, proportionate random sampling and purposive sampling were used to obtain a sample size of 90 respondents. Questionnaires and interview guides were the main tools of data collection. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented in tables and charts. Qualitative data was presented in quotes and analyzed thematically. The data findings showed that guarding and collaboration strategies were the main strategies of the PSFs. Based on the results, the study recommended implementing government policy and legislation on collaboration between security agencies and PSFs for effective service delivery, implementing an oversight control agency to check on professionalism and adopting modern and innovative technology by PSFs for effective crime prevention.},
 keywords = {Sicherheit; security; Strategie; strategy; nationale Sicherheit; national security; Verbrechensbekämpfung; crime fighting; Kenia; Kenya; privates Sicherheits- und Militärunternehmen; private security and military companies}}