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@article{ Kamberi2023,
 title = {Local self-government, community, and social service delivery in Kosovo},
 author = {Kamberi, Ferdi and Hashani, Zeqir},
 journal = {Journal of Liberty and International Affairs},
 number = {2},
 pages = {35-49},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2023},
 issn = {1857-9760},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Community development is vital in networking and creating social capital. Local governments in Kosovo cooperate closely with their communities by offering public and social services, inclusivity, and social integration. This cooperation increases active citizenship, community development, social welfare, and local democracy. This paper aims to research and analyze the relationship between local governments and their communities, focusing on providing social services. The applied methodology included a quantitative survey of 300 respondents from three municipalities: Pristina, Fushe Kosove, and Obilic, targeting citizens aged 18 and above of both genders. The results show that local authorities in these municipalities offer community services and include their communities in policy-making and decision-making. While they also offer social services, community-based services should be restructured, and local authorities should pay more attention to empowering the community more comprehensively.},
 keywords = {Kosovo; Kosovo; Kommunalpolitik; local politics; Kommunalverwaltung; municipal administration; regionale Entwicklung; regional development; kommunale Selbstverwaltung; local self-government; soziale Dienste; social services; Partizipation; participation; Gemeinschaft; community}}