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@article{ Waller2023,
 title = {Elite Political Culture and Illiberalism in Wartime Russia},
 author = {Waller, Julian G.},
 journal = {Russian Analytical Digest},
 number = {299},
 pages = {8-11},
 year = {2023},
 issn = {1863-0421},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {While a general ideological shift toward illiberalism has been noted in Russia for over a decade, recent developmentssuggest an increasingly deep, pervasive, and comprehensive use of illiberal rhetoric and framings byRussian elites. Policy discussions, which could once be held in a neutral or technocratic register, are increasinglysuffused with illiberal legitimating and justifying language, which suggests the further integration ofilliberal ideology into the worldviews of a broader cohort of Russian public figures, intellectuals, and loyalistprofessionals. The case of a recent public debate surrounding nuclear use policy gives rise to useful observationsthat underline this development.},
 keywords = {Russland; Russia; Krieg; war; Elite; elite; politische Kultur; political culture; Rhetorik; rhetoric}}