Endnote export


%T Management elements of the emergent metropolitan areas in a transition country: Romania, as case study
%A Ianoş, Ioan
%A Peptenatu, Daniel
%A Drăghici, Cristian
%A Pintilii, Radu
%J Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis
%N 2
%P 149-172
%V 4
%D 2012
%K emergent metropolitan area; managerial experiences; consensus management; metropolitan governance
%@ 2067-4082
%X Complex processes, specific to the countries in transition, have had major
impacts on restructuring the territorial management systems. The removal of restrictions of
limiting urban expansion, imposed by the totalitarian regime, has allowed the rapid
expansion of cities, beyond administrative boundaries, since 1989. The concept of
emerging metropolitan area is explained by the multitude of problems posed by the
sketching of these areas and especially by their functioning. Synthesizing, there are
presented some managerial experiences considered inchoate, of some emerging
Romanian metropolitan areas, with an emphasis on Bucharest’s metropolitan area. The
conclusions of these descriptive analysis show the complexity of the problems that can
occur during the process of building of the metropolitan areas under the circumstances of
lack of an inter-municipal cooperation culture. Integrated management takes into account
two realities: firstly, that the management of emerging metropolitan areas is trans-scalar,
achieving the partial mergence of the management types (including the collegiate one),
and secondly, that insuring a multi-level governance without implementing a polycentric
intra-metropolitan development policy, is not sufficient.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info