Endnote export


%T Urban sprawl pattern and effective factors on them: the case of Urmia city, Iran
%A Mohammadi, Jamal
%A Zarabi, Asghar
%A Mobaraki, Omid
%J Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis
%N 1
%P 77-89
%V 4
%D 2012
%K Shannon's entropy; Urmia city
%@ 2067-4082
%X Urban sprawl has become a remarkable characteristic of urban development
worldwide in the last decades. Urban sprawl refers to the extent of urbanization, which is a
global phenomenon mainly driven by population growth and large scale migration. In
developing countries like Iran, urban sprawl is taking its toll on the natural resources at an
alarming pace. The purpose of this paper is to study urban growth and effective factors on
them in the city of Urmia, Iran. We used quantitive data of the study area from the period
between 1989 and 2007, and population censuses of Urmia. To measure the model of
urban growth, Holderness and Shannon’s entropy were employed. The Urmia case is
interesting for several reasons: first, it is a case of very fast urban growth even for a
developing country; second, it illustrates how the fastest rates of urban sprawl may
correspond to middle size cities rather than to large centers. Third, it portrays a land
substitution process in which agricultural land is not the primary provider of urban land
which is relatively rare in urban contexts, and fourth, it also illustrates how urban sprawl
may also hide important internal land uses such as the presence of agricultural plots within
urban boundaries.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info