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@article{ Nowak2022,
 title = {Kierunki polityki przestrzennej miast w Polsce a pandemia SARS-CoV-2: Perspektywa medyczna i przestrzenna},
 author = {Nowak, Maciej J. and Simon, Krzysztof},
 journal = {Studia z Polityki Publicznej / Public Policy Studies},
 number = {4},
 pages = {29-45},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2022},
 issn = {2719-7131},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The aim of this paper is to indicate how the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic may determine the key directions of urban spatial policy in Poland. Therefore, the following aspects have been analyzed: the guidelines arising from the medical point of view (in terms of health policy priorities) and the key theses of the international scientific discussion on changes in urban spatial policies. Based on the above analysis as well as on the indicated current possibilities of planning solutions in Poland, recommendations will be developed on the directional issues of urban spatial policy. The paper will determine to what extent individual postulates can be implemented in the Polish reality. Recommendations developed in this way will reflect a universal dimension - making it possible to refer to the majority of development and spatial documents of Polish cities (in particular development strategies and studies of spatial development conditions and directions). An important contribution of the paper will also be an attempt to take an interdisciplinary approach to the medical and urban planning perspective and translate it into concrete postulates.},
 keywords = {Polen; Poland; Raumplanung; spatial planning; Stadtentwicklung; urban development; Kommunalpolitik; local politics; Gesundheitspolitik; health policy}}