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@article{ Haffert2022,
 title = {The Long-Term Effects of Oppression: Prussia, Political Catholicism, and the Alternative für Deutschland},
 author = {Haffert, Lukas},
 journal = {American Political Science Review},
 number = {2},
 pages = {595-614},
 volume = {116},
 year = {2022},
 issn = {1537-5943},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Contemporary political behavior is often affected by historical legacies, but the specific mechanisms through which these legacies are transmitted are difficult to pin down. This paper argues that historical political conflicts can affect political behavior over several generations when they trigger an enduring organizational mobilization. It studies how the oppression of German Catholics in the nineteenth century led to a regionally differentiated mobilization of political Catholicism that still affects political support for the radical right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) today. Using newly collected data on historical oppression events, it shows that Catholic regions where oppression was intense saw greater mobilization of Catholic lay organizations than Catholic regions where oppression was milder and show lower support for the AfD today. The paper thus contributes to the literature on the historical determinants of political behavior as well as to the question of which regional context effects strengthen or weaken the radical right.},
 keywords = {Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Federal Republic of Germany; Preußen; Prussia; Katholizismus; Catholicism; Partei; party; politischer Konflikt; political conflict; politisches Verhalten; political behavior; historische Entwicklung; historical development; 19. Jahrhundert; nineteenth century; Rechtsradikalismus; right-wing radicalism}}