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@article{ Bain2023,
 title = {Queer(ing) Urban Planning and Municipal Governance},
 author = {Bain, Alison L. and Podmore, Julie A.},
 journal = {Urban Planning},
 number = {2},
 pages = {145-149},
 volume = {8},
 year = {2023},
 issn = {2183-7635},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {To queer urban planning and municipal governance requires explicit civic engagement with sexual and gender minority inclusions, representations and needs in urban plans and policies across departmental and committee silos. This collection questions the hetero-cis-normative assumptions of urban planning and examines the integration of LGBTQ+ issues in municipal governance at the interface of community activism, bureaucratic procedures, and political intervention. The editorial summarizes the contributions to this thematic issue within a tripartite thematic framework: 1) counter-hegemonic reactions to hetero-cis-normativities; 2) queering plans and policies; and 3) governance coalitions and LGBTQ+ activisms.},
 keywords = {Stadtplanung; urban planning; Kommunalverwaltung; municipal administration; Kommunalpolitik; local politics; Inklusion; inclusion; Minderheit; minority; Gender; gender; Governance; governance; Gender Mainstreaming; gender mainstreaming}}