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@article{ Holmila2022,
 title = {The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: The Many Faces of Finlandization and Some Potential Lessons for Ukraine},
 author = {Holmila, Antero and Ahonen, Pertti},
 journal = {Zeithistorische Forschungen / Studies in Contemporary History},
 number = {3},
 pages = {560-577},
 volume = {19},
 year = {2022},
 issn = {1612-6041},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {How will Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine end? What kinds of political scenarios could stop the suffering and bring stability to the region? Of all the different future scenarios none is particularly encouraging. In particular, the prospect of a 'Finlandized' Ukraine has met with near universal rejection. Yet, ever since Russia's illegal annexation of the Crimea, 'Finlandization' of Ukraine has been discussed as a potential solution.},
 keywords = {Russland; Russia; Ukraine; Ukraine; Krieg; war; internationale Beziehungen; international relations; Kalter Krieg; cold war; Finnland; Finland; UdSSR; USSR}}