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@article{ Sadigov2018,
 title = {A Clash of Cultures: How Rural Out-Migrants Adapt to Urban Life in Baku},
 author = {Sadigov, Turkhan},
 journal = {Caucasus Analytical Digest},
 number = {101},
 pages = {11-15},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {1867-9323},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {As in other developing countries, rural-urban migration in Azerbaijan has led to over-crowding of the metropolitan
Baku area, affecting the livelihood of a considerable number of communities and residents. This article
provides an overview of socio-economic repercussions of rural migration to Baku. More specifically, it focuses
on the adaptation of rural mechanisms (such as social networks of mutual assistance, community solidarity, and
operation of social safety nets) among rural migrants after they have resettled to the new urban space. While
Baku’s closed nepotistic economy of favors forces rural migrants to rely on their bonding social capital (immediate
kin, relatives, neighbors), the meeting of city and village in Azerbaijan brings out the worst of the two worlds.},