Endnote export


%T A teoria do destino condicional no Corpus hermeticum 12.5-9
%A Lira, David Pessoa de
%J Griot: Revista de Filosofia
%N 1
%P 209-228
%V 23
%D 2023
%K Middle Platonism; Corpus Hermeticum; εἱμαρμένη; Fatum; Conditional or hypothetical fate
%@ 2178-1036
%X The topic of this article is εἱμαρμένη theory. It analyzes focusly the relationship of εἱμαρμένη theory of the Corp. Herm. 12.5-9 and Middle Platonic sources. The results of analysis limits to answer to εἱμαρμένη theory of Hermetism and Middle Platonism. Nevertheless, there are different points of view about εἱμαρμένη theory in Middle-Platonism. Therefore, the study is limited in scope, involving mainly the Corp. Herm. 12.5-9, De Fato by Plutarch of Chaeronea, De Doctrina Platonis by Alcinous and De Platone by Apuleius of Madaura. This article points out, through the historical-comparative philosophical method, that εἱμαρμένη theory of the Corp. Herm. 12.5-9 is predominantly Middle Platonic despite of occurrences of the (neo)Stoic propositions. So, in particular, this paper assumes that the Corp. Herm. 12.5-9 has a combination of heimarmenology with the Platonic theory of the νοῦς. First, one will point out the meanings of εἱμαρμένη and its correlates in the Corp. Herm. as a whole in comparison with Platonism. Afterwards, one will discuss the choice of prudent and passionate actions by the soul in Corp. Herm. 12.-5-9. Then, one will seek to explain what are the implications of εἱμαρμένη in the ἐλλόγιμοι (wise) in the Corp. Herm. 12.-5-9. Finally, it will be shown that this text is influenced by the theory of conditional or hypothetical fate unlike a purely Stoic doctrine.
%G pt
%9 journal article
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info