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@article{ Gondim2023,
 title = {Sartre leitor de Hegel: avaliação da história nos Cadernos para uma moral},
 author = {Gondim, Hamilton Cezar},
 journal = {Griot: Revista de Filosofia},
 number = {1},
 pages = {101-119},
 volume = {23},
 year = {2023},
 issn = {2178-1036},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Sartre, in the work Notebooks for an Ethics (1947-1948), presents notes on the dimension of history that begins to develop initially within his moral reflection. Sartre, however, does not have a finalized version of his theory of history, linking his reflection to a comparison and critique of Hegel's philosophy of history and Marxian historical materialism. The aim of this article is to analyze Sartre's critique of Hegel in the Notebooks for an Ethics about history, showing an outline of Sartre's initial views on history. Sartre makes extensive use of a critique of the possibility of Hegelian dialectics, questioning the dimension of this movement of the real as true. It analyzes the idealization of this movement in the dialectic of the master and the slave in works such as Phenomenology of the Spirit (1807) and discusses the notion of the totality of history. Sartre suggests, based on this critique, his own notion of history linked to a de-totalized totality and a historical becoming centered on freedom.},