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@article{ Zolyan2019,
 title = {The Poverty of Authoritarianism: What Made the Armenian Revolution Possible},
 author = {Zolyan, Mikayel},
 journal = {Caucasus Analytical Digest},
 number = {108},
 pages = {3-6},
 year = {2019},
 issn = {1867-9323},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {While revolutions are difficult to predict, the Armenian revolution was particularly unexpected, as it happened
at a time when the political regime seemed highly stable. However, in hindsight, it has become clear
that the political regime that had been built in Armenia had exhausted itself, with the pre-conditions for
the revolution building up in recent years. Armenia’s political system had gravitated from a hybrid regime
to a consolidated authoritarian regime, albeit a soft one. However, this consolidation actually deprived the
Armenian regime of the flexibility that is often key to the survival of authoritarian regimes. In the absence
of other factors that can boost authoritarian regimes (e.g., foreign policy successes, charismatic appeal of
leaders, strong ideology, or high profits from exporting natural resources), the Armenian regime had few
resources to ensure its survival.},