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@book{ Wünsche2023,
 title = {Partnership quality in the Covid-19 pandemic: People in the second half of life are adaptable in their couple relationships},
 author = {Wünsche, Jenna and Hameister, Nicole and Huxhold, Oliver},
 year = {2023},
 series = {DZA aktuell},
 pages = {18},
 volume = {01/2023},
 address = {Berlin},
 publisher = {Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This report investigates the role of the corona pandemic for the quality of partnerships of people in the second half of life. The present findings on partnership quality refer to people who participated in the DEAS surveys in 2017, summer 2020 and winter 2020/21. To examine the course of partnership quality, only people who did not separate from their partner between 2017 and the winter of 2020/21 are considered. Main questions adressed are: 1. What changes in perceived partnership quality were seen for people in the second half of life during the Covid-19 pandemic? 2. How do changes in perceived partnership quality differ between certain population groups (age groups, gender and education groups)? Key messages: The Covid-19 pandemic was accompanied by a temporary deterioration in the perceived partnership quality of people in the second half of life. By winter 2020/21, the situation for couples had improved again. The perceived partnership quality of people aged between 42 and 59 years deteriorated more during the first pandemic phase than the partnership quality of people aged 60 years or older. The Covid-19 pandemic widened gender gaps in perceived partnership quality to the disadvantage of women. People from different educational groups reported comparable changes in perceived partnership quality during the Covid-19 pandemic.},
 keywords = {perception; Infektionskrankheit; alter Mensch; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; Wahrnehmung; Lebensqualität; Epidemie; epidemic; Alter; partnership; contagious disease; old age; Partnerschaft; elderly; gender-specific factors; quality of life}}