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@article{ Mengüaslan2023,
 title = {What does "Big Data" tell? A network analysis approach to the justice and development party’s role performance in the Middle East between 2015 and 2020},
 author = {Mengüaslan, Hikmet and Çelik, Sadullah},
 journal = {Journal of Liberty and International Affairs},
 number = {1},
 pages = {48-72},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2023},
 issn = {1857-9760},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {In this paper, we exploited big data (The Global Database Events, Language and Tone - GDELT) by utilizing network analysis to elaborate on the Justice and Development Party’s (JDP) Middle East (ME) policy for 2015 and 2020 - our conceptual framework built on the role theory. We identified two dynamics - the positioning of the "Transatlantic" link in Turkish Foreign Policy's (TFP) orientation and the shape and politics of the JDP elites' conception of activism - based on which we developed two hypotheses to conceptualize the JDP's role performance for the period: 1) There was a mismatch between national role conceptions and systemic role prescriptions for Turkey in the period of analysis; 2) This mismatch led the appeal of partnership with non-Western actors to rise. We utilized network analysis by exploiting the GDELT big dataset to test our hypotheses empirically. The empirical findings proved the validity of our conceptual arguments.},
 keywords = {Nahost; Middle East; Partei; party; Netzwerkanalyse; network analysis; Daten; data; Türkei; Turkey; Außenpolitik; foreign policy}}