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@book{ Muñoz Escobar2022,
 title = {Hacia una ganadería sostenible en Vichada, Colombia: Instrumentos políticos y financieros},
 author = {Muñoz Escobar, Marcela and Fernández Lavado, Andrea Paola and Montenegro Calvo, Maria Juliana and García Ugarte, Mario and Forero Azabache, Oscar},
 year = {2022},
 series = {UFZ Discussion Papers},
 pages = {49},
 volume = {4/2022},
 address = {Leipzig},
 publisher = {Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ},
 issn = {1436-140X3},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Kolumbien; Colombia; Viehwirtschaft; animal husbandry; nachhaltige Entwicklung; sustainable development; Lateinamerika; Latin America}}