Endnote export


%T Country Report: Taiwan; Deterring, Denying, and Defending
%A Lee, Sheryn
%P 22
%D 2022
%@ 2198-5936
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-85184-2
%X Understanding Taiwan's ability to defend itself against mainland China is becoming increasingly significant as the likelihood of a cross-straits conflict rises. Taipei is unlikely to unify with China on Beijing's terms, and Beijing is unlikely to relinquish its claim that Taiwan falls under its domestic jurisdiction. Even a confrontation over Taiwan that falls short of war will have regional and global ramifications.
%C Berlin
%G en
%9 Kurzbericht
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info