Endnote export


%T Интерактивная связь общеупотребительной лексики и медицинской терминологии (в теоретическом освещении)
%A Gasanova, Nurlana Eldar kyizyi
%J Path of Science
%N 11
%P 6001-6005
%V 8
%D 2022
%K languages; common vocabulary; medical terminology; term; interactive communication; globalisation
%@ 2413-9009
%U https://pathofscience.org/index.php/ps/article/view/1555/1090
%X The article deals with the interactive relationship between common vocabulary and medical terminology. In recent years, medical terminology, against the background of current global events, has actively begun to move into the common language. With this fact in mind, the study attempts to justify this process from a theoretical point of view. Descriptive-comparative and empirical methods of scientific analysis have been used in the research. It is shown that words become terms in the context of accelerating scientific and technological progress. In recent years, medical terms have been increasingly used in children's literature, resulting in a unique environment for their transition into the common vocabulary.
%G ru
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info