

@article{ Taş2022,
 title = {The formulation and implementation of populist foreign policy: Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean},
 author = {Taş, Hakkı},
 journal = {Mediterranean Politics},
 number = {5},
 pages = {563-587},
 volume = {27},
 year = {2022},
 issn = {1743-9418},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Although populism does not dictate a coherent ideological or programmatic agenda, some of its elements still leave distinct marks on the formulation and implementation of foreign policy. This paper argues for the study of populism in its tangible policy impacts and scrutinizes the nexus of populism and foreign policy in contemporary Turkey under President Erdoğan's rule. Despite the abundant references to the 'people' in the populist rhetoric, it identifies personalization in foreign policy decision-making, nationalization in foreign policy implementation, and civilizationalization in the foreign policy discourse. Having established the patterns of populist foreign policy from a wider reading, this study then examines, generally, how populism has informed Turkish foreign policy and, specifically, Turkey's approach to the recent border disputes over the gas fields in the Eastern Mediterranean.},
 keywords = {Europa; Europe; Südeuropa; Southern Europe; Türkei; Turkey; Mittelmeerraum; Mediterranean region; internationale Politik; international politics; internationales System; international system; Außenpolitik; foreign policy; internationale Beziehungen; international relations; Populismus; populism; politische Meinung; political opinion; politische Folgen; political impact; politische Richtung; political direction; Politik; politics; Gesellschaft; society; Diskurs; discourse}}