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@article{ Felderer2023,
 title = {What about the Less IT Literate? A Comparison of Different Postal Recruitment Strategies to an Online Panel of the General Population},
 author = {Felderer, Barbara and Herzing, Jessica M. E.},
 journal = {Field Methods},
 number = {3},
 pages = {219-235},
 volume = {35},
 year = {2023},
 issn = {1552-3969},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Even though the proportion of individuals who are not equipped to participate in online surveys is constantly decreasing, many surveys face an under-representation of individuals who do not feel IT literate enough to participate. Using experimental data from a probability-based online panel, we study which recruitment survey mode strategy performs best in recruiting less IT-literate persons for an online panel. The sampled individuals received postal invitations to conduct the recruitment survey in a self-completion mode. We experimentally vary four recruitment survey mode strategies: one online mode strategy, two sequential mixed-mode strategies, and one concurrent mode strategy. We find the recruitment survey mode strategies to have a major effect on the sample composition of the recruitment survey, but the differences between the strategies vanish once respondents are asked to proceed with the panel online.Obwohl der Anteil der Personen, die nicht in der Lage sind, an Online-Umfragen teilzunehmen, ständig abnimmt, sind bei vielen Umfragen Personen unterrepräsentiert, die sich nicht ausreichend IT-kompetent fühlen, um teilzunehmen. Anhand von experimentellen Daten aus einem wahrscheinlichkeitsbasierten Online-Panel untersuchen die Autor*innen, welche Strategie der Rekrutierungsbefragung am besten geeignet ist, um weniger IT-kundige Personen für ein Online-Panel zu rekrutieren. Die in die Stichprobe aufgenommenen Personen erhielten postalische Einladungen zur Durchführung der Rekrutierungsumfrage im Selbstausfüllungsmodus.},
 keywords = {competence; Informationstechnologie; information technology; sample; online survey; Stichprobe; Online-Befragung; survey research; Kompetenz; Umfrageforschung}}