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@book{ Buzogány2022,
 title = {Evaluation Report of the Austrian Climate Citizens' Assembly: Assessment of input, process, and output},
 author = {Buzogány, Aron and Ehs, Tamara and Plöchl, Jana and Scherhaufer, Patrick},
 year = {2022},
 series = {InFER Discussion Paper},
 pages = {71},
 volume = {1/2022},
 address = {Wien},
 publisher = {Universität für Bodenkultur (BOKU), Institut für Wald-, Umwelt- und Ressourcenpolitik},
 issn = {2072-764X},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {We carried out a mixed-method design to investigate the Austrian Climate Citizens' Assembly (CCA) input, process and output dimensions following the OECD's Evaluation Guidelines for Representative Deliberative Processes (2021). The following methods were used to deliver the empirical findings of this report: Document analysis and desk research, participant observation, semi-structured qualitative interviews, and media coverage review. The main findings are structured along the input, process and output dimension.},
 keywords = {Klimaschutz; climate protection; Klimapolitik; climate policy; Partizipation; participation; Bürgerbeteiligung; citizens' participation; Österreich; Austria}}