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@article{ Canco2022,
 title = {What Made Me An Entrepreneur?},
 author = {Canco, Irina},
 journal = {European Journal of Management Issues},
 number = {3},
 pages = {153-164},
 volume = {30},
 year = {2022},
 issn = {2523-451X},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Purpose: this paper is to present the activity of an enterprise in the context of a case study by presenting this case study as a research method. Findings: Some of the most important findings are the entrepreneur's personality characteristics, previous experience in the relevant field, the prominent initiative and high level of risk-taking, his open-mindedness, entrepreneur takes care of the creation and preservation of the business reputation under the slogan: Family, work, satisfaction, as an important condition for the establishment of good human relationships. Practical implications (if applicable): The paper reflects the successful path of the entrepreneur in focus, which despite the hardships, he realizes his individual vision and fills the needs they see in society by bringing new products or services into the marketplace. Originality/Value: The paper analyzes the birth, growth, and development in given conditions of a concrete enterprise and this emphasizes the deeply original character of the study. Research limitations/Future research: However, the paper analyzes a concrete case and this constitutes a limitation.},