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@incollection{ Behr2022,
 title = {Computer-Assisted Migration Research: What We Can Learn About Source Questionnaire Design and Translation from the Software Localization Field},
 author = {Behr, Dorothée},
 editor = {Pötzschke, Steffen and Rinken, Sebastian},
 year = {2022},
 booktitle = {Migration Research in a Digitized World: Using Innovative Technology to Tackle Methodological Challenges},
 pages = {79-99},
 series = {IMISCOE Research Series},
 address = {Cham},
 publisher = {Springer},
 issn = {2364-4095},
 isbn = {978-3-031-01319-5},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This chapter examines the technical challenges involved in translating and adapting measurement instruments, i.e., questionnaires, for migration research. The first part outlines good practices in questionnaire translation. In line with the technology-based focus of this book, the second part focuses on computerized surveys and on the interplay between technology, language, and culture. Frameworks from the software localization field are consulted and transferred to the context of computerized multilingual surveys with respect to their impact on source questionnaire design and on translation and adaptation. Real-life examples come from our own experiences in international and migration research, as well as from a review of existing reports and research articles. The main goal of this chapter is to raise awareness of the additional technology layer that impacts translation and adaptation, with an ultimate goal to improve translation and adaptation processes, and the outcomes of migration research.},
 keywords = {Migrationsforschung; migration research; Datengewinnung; data capture; Messinstrument; measurement instrument; Fragebogen; questionnaire; Übersetzung; translation; Datenqualität; data quality}}