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@book{ Mavrozacharakis2022,
 title = {The transformations of social democracy},
 author = {Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil},
 year = {2022},
 pages = {42},
 address = {Iraklion},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The political, organizational, and ideological deadlock that European social democracy has gone through in recent decades is obvious and much discussed. This impasse is indirectly expressed by the weakness of social democratic parties in maintaining their electoral clientele and social base of workers, employees, and pensioners. This means that the crisis of social democracy is becoming more permanent. This article attempts to analyze these characteristics.},
 keywords = {modernization; Krise; social democracy; national state; etatism; welfare state; politische Mitte; Staat; neoliberalism; political center; Dritter Weg; Legitimität; crisis; Third Way; Neoliberalismus; Etatismus; Sozialdemokratie; Modernisierung; Wohlfahrtsstaat; legitimacy}}