Endnote export


%T Die ambivalente Ästhetik des Widerstands: Rezension zu "Protest! A History of Social and Political Protest Graphics" von Liz McQuiston
%A Bogerts, Lisa
%J Soziopolis: Gesellschaft beobachten
%D 2021
%K Affekte / Emotionen; Ästhetik; Demokratie; Protest; Soziale Bewegungen; Kultur & Medien
%~ HIS
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-82744-7
%U https://www.soziopolis.de/die-ambivalente-aesthetik-des-widerstands.pdf
%X Liz McQuiston: Protest! A History of Social and Political Protest Graphics. Princeton, NJ / London: Princeton University Press / White Lion Publishing Books 2019. 978-0-6911-9833-0 / 978-0-7112-4129-9
%G de
%9 Rezension
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info