Endnote export


%T Integration Policy of Immigrants With Particular Emphasis on Ukrainian Children in Poland
%A Pacek, Małgorzata
%J Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs
%N 2
%P 31-44
%V 26
%D 2022
%K integration of children
%@ 1428-149X
%X Migrations have accompanied humankind for hundreds of years. The journeys made to “pursue bread” as the Polish put it, have been ingrained in historical and social processes taking place on both regional and global scales. Decisions to relocate are frequently underpinned by economic reasons, but political, religious, social or climatic reasons can also be factors. These deci sions are taken by adults, but their scope and effects also extend to children. The challenges that these children face come in the form of problems with adaptation, education, and the priority of values, oftentimes – loneliness, a lack of close relations, and a reduced sense of security during their stay in foreign environments. The refugee situation is a specific case and a chal lenge for children. The aim of this article is to highlight the problem of the 
integration/assimilation of Ukrainian children in Poland who have arrived here as a result of their parents’ informed migration decisions, as well as those who have ended up here as a consequence of the war that Russia has been waging against Ukraine since 24th February 2022.
%G en
%9 journal article
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info