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@article{ Martínez-Bernabéu2022,
 title = {Labour Market Areas and cluster subdivision for Spain 2011},
 author = {Martínez-Bernabéu, Lucas and Casado-Díaz, José Manuel},
 journal = {Region: the journal of ERSA},
 number = {1},
 pages = {R1-R6},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2022},
 issn = {2409-5370},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Labour market areas (LMAs) are a type of functional areas that provides the appropriate framework for spatially-explicit analyses of the labour market to guide policymaking in this field. This resource presents a data base with the most recent definition of LMAs for Spain using a state-of-the-art methodology. All defined LMAs are highly self-contained in terms of travel-to-work flows and exceed a minimum size compatible with the usual requirements in terms of confidentiality and representativeness, allowing the recoding of microdata geographic referencing and therefore a much greater granularity compared to what is usual for this type of data. It can be downloaded from},
 keywords = {Arbeitsmarkt; labor market; Region; region; Spanien; Spain; Datengewinnung; data capture}}