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@article{ Stritzel2021,
 title = {(Re)reading Afghanistan through the Lens of Securitisation Theory},
 author = {Stritzel, Holger},
 journal = {International Quarterly for Asian Studies (IQAS)},
 number = {1-2},
 pages = {99-111},
 volume = {52},
 year = {2021},
 issn = {2566-6878},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This article explores practices of (de)securitisation in a setting where securitisation, violence and legitimacy interact in complex ways. It is argued that in such settings (de)securitisations need to be analysed in relation to the complexities of violence and security on the ground and to the way that these are tied to local modalities of legitimisation and delegitimisation. In the highly fragmented Afghan setting, processes of (de)securitisation appear in a context where existing patterns of authority are constantly (re)negotiated and political order is in a continuous process of violent transformation. Conceptually, this suggests the need for a distinctly non-linear and relational reading of securitisation dynamics that challenges the way securitisation theory has traditionally been understood.},