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@article{ Schmidt-Vogt2021,
 title = {Book review: Richard Thwaites, Robert Fisher, Mohan Poudel (eds): Community Forestry in Nepal - Adapting to a Changing World},
 author = {Schmidt-Vogt, Dietrich},
 journal = {International Quarterly for Asian Studies (IQAS)},
 number = {1-2},
 pages = {147-150},
 volume = {52},
 year = {2021},
 issn = {2566-6878},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Review: Richard Thwaites, Robert Fisher, Mohan Poudel (eds): Community Forestry in Nepal - Adapting to a Changing World. London/ New York: Earthscan from Routledge 2019. ISBN 978-1-138-21462-0},