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@book{ Engstler2022,
 title = {German Ageing Survey - Deutscher Alterssurvey: Documentation of instruments and variables - Instrumenten- und Variablendokumentation 1996-2020/21},
 author = {Engstler, Heribert and Stuth, Stefan and Alcantara Lozano, Alberto and Luitjens, Maren and Klaus, Daniela and Schwichtenberg-Hilmert, Beate and Behagel, Felix and Kortmann, Lisa and Martin, Jan and Drewitz, Marlen and Körber, Matthias},
 year = {2022},
 pages = {473},
 address = {Berlin},
 publisher = {Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Codierung; Datengewinnung; sample; alter Mensch; interview; adulthood; Lebenszufriedenheit; coding; questionnaire; instruments; Lebenssituation; Stichprobe; Fragebogen; methodology; longitudinal study; socioeconomic position; Längsschnittuntersuchung; survey; Alter; Befragung; life situation; Interview; Lebensbedingungen; old age; living conditions; sozioökonomische Lage; elderly; Methodik; Erwachsenenalter; data capture; Instrumentarium; satisfaction with life}}