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@article{ Adekanmbi2022,
 title = {The relational effects of perceived leadership 4.0, workplace ostracism, and innovative work behavior on organizational performance in the fourth industrial revolution (4IR)},
 author = {Adekanmbi, Foluso Philip and Ukpere, Wilfred Isioma},
 journal = {EUREKA: Social and Humanities},
 number = {2},
 pages = {3-14},
 year = {2022},
 issn = {2504-5571},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This study evaluates the correlational effects of perceived leadership 4.0, workplace ostracism, innovative work behavior, and organizational performance within work organizations. The sample for this investigation was extracted from ten (10) organizations in Oyo and Lagos States, Nigeria. They are organizations from Nigeria's service, financial, and manufacturing industries. Guarantee Trust Bank Plc, FullRange Microfinance Bank Limited, First Bank Plc, Evans industries Limited, Nestlé Nigeria Plc, Friesland Campina Nigeria Plc, IBFC Alliance Limited, United Bank for Africa Plc, DHL Courier Service, and Martyns Consulting Limited. This investigation has adopted a cross-sectional survey method, where the current scholar randomly distributed the study's questionnaires. Nonetheless, from the 500 questionnaires floated, 478 were suitable for investigation and analyzed with a Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS version 27). This investigation noted a significant correlation between Leadership 4.0, workplace ostracism, innovative work behavior, and organizational performance. It further stated the significant joint influence of Leadership 4.0, workplace ostracism, innovative work behavior on organizational performance within Nigeria’s work organizations in the 4IR. Managers and leaders of work organizations are encouraged to investigate and adopt the most suitable leadership styles (for instance, Leadership 4.0) for the diverse situations and challenges, presented by the 4IR. They should also consistently encourage workplace support, using further employee/workplace family support in job-sharing programs. Besides, they should promote innovative management practices, as they are essential in overcoming the challenges, posed by the 4IR.},