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@article{ Cornea2021,
 title = {Situația comunelor județului Cahul reflectată în procesele-verbale ale inspecțiilor prefectului Dumitru Dobrescu (aprilie 1940)},
 author = {Cornea, Sergiu},
 journal = {Buletinul Ştiinţific al Universității de Stat "B. P. Hasdeu" din Cahul: Științe Sociale},
 number = {1},
 pages = {72-97},
 year = {2021},
 issn = {2345-1858},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In February 1938, a monarchical regime was established in Romania.
In order to strengthen the power of the monarch and his discretionary control over the
administration, a new administrative law was drafted. Administrative law no. 2919,
published in the Official Monitor no. 187 from August 14, 1938, grouped the 71 counties
of Romania into 10 regions. The region was a territorial circumscription, endowed with
legal personality.
According to the Administrative law from August 14, 1938, the county became
a simple district of control and deconcentration of the central administration, losing its
legal personality. The prefect was authorized to exercise the control of the local
administration in the urban and rural communes of the county. One form the control
over the work of local authorities was their regular inspection. In April 1940, the prefect
of the Cahul County, colonel Dumitru Dobrescu, inspected the county communes,
clarifying various aspects of the activities of local administrations. The results of these
inspections make it possible to create a true picture of the realities of the Bessarabian
villages to months before the territorial abduction in June 1940.},