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@incollection{ Eberth2022,
 title = {Incumbent upgrading in Nairobi's slums: How young people contribute to local spatial transformation},
 author = {Eberth, Andreas},
 editor = {Larjosto, Vilja and Knaps, Falco and Abassiharofteh, Milad and Göb, Angelina and Baier, Jessica and Eberth, Andreas and Zebner, Fabiana and Thimm, Insa},
 year = {2022},
 booktitle = {Spatial transformation: Processes, strategies, research design},
 pages = {120-128},
 series = {Forschungsberichte der ARL},
 volume = {19},
 address = {Hannover},
 publisher = {Verlag der ARL},
 isbn = {978-3-88838-109-6},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article summarises the results and findings of a study of young people in the slums of Nairobi based on participatory research methods. The study investigated the engagement of these young people, as a civil society that is growing in strength, and their contribution to a spatial transformation of the district in question.},
 keywords = {Kenia; Kenya; Ostafrika; East Africa; Slum; slum; Jugendlicher; adolescent; Partizipation; participation; Zivilgesellschaft; civil society; Stadtentwicklung; urban development; Governance; governance}}