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@incollection{ Bruns2022,
 title = {The Anthropocene and the great transformation: Perspectives for critical governance and transformation research in the spatial sciences},
 author = {Bruns, Antje},
 editor = {Larjosto, Vilja and Knaps, Falco and Abassiharofteh, Milad and Göb, Angelina and Baier, Jessica and Eberth, Andreas and Zebner, Fabiana and Thimm, Insa},
 year = {2022},
 booktitle = {Spatial transformation: Processes, strategies, research design},
 pages = {50-60},
 series = {Forschungsberichte der ARL},
 volume = {19},
 address = {Hannover},
 publisher = {Verlag der ARL},
 isbn = {978-3-88838-109-6},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article critically examines the new guiding concept of transformation in the spatial sciences with regard to its underlying narrative - namely the Anthropocene. Without such an examination, spatial science research might contribute to apolitical, spatially undifferentiated and Eurocentric governance and transformation research. Hence, I propose to place political aspects and questions of power more firmly in the focus of theoretical, methodological and empirical interest and to take up a general perspective of inequality. Plurality and diversity (from a social and spatial perspective as well as with regard to knowledge production) therefore become the central transverse dimensions of governance and transformation research, which should essentially be reflexive.},