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@article{ Adlit2022,
 title = {Harmonizing Materials and Practices of Senior High School Teachers: A Conceptual Paradigm for Contextualization across K12 Curriculum},
 author = {Adlit, Marlon F.},
 journal = {Puissant},
 pages = {488-502},
 volume = {3},
 year = {2022},
 issn = {2719-0153},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Harmonizing materials and practices of senior high school teachers in the contextualization of various learning areas are crucial in the current curriculum. The study determined how teachers in the senior high school harmonize materials and practices in teaching the various subjects and analyzed the contextualization across the K12 curriculum. Qualitative research was employed in the study specifically grounded theory. Eleven participants were included in the study where five were grade 12 students and six were senior high school teachers. Purposive sampling was employed in the conduct of the study and has employed key informant interviews and the focus group discussion. In analyzing the data, Grounded theory Analysis as modeled by Charmaz (2006), as well as Glasser and Strauss (2017), was employed. Relevance, coherence, and appropriateness as contextualization connectivity are considered in harmonizing materials and practices in the contextualization of lessons in senior high school. The themes culled were sources of contextualized materials, conceptualizing contextualized materials, teachers contextualized materials and practices, coherence, relevance, and appropriateness in contextualization. Formulation of the conceptual paradigm vis-à-vis contextualization across curricula emerged in the study.},