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@article{ Marín Díaz2007,
 title = {Validez curricular de las series animadas de televisión para la formación de futuros maestros: una experiencia de trabajo},
 author = {Marín Díaz, Verónica and Latorre-Medina, María José},
 journal = {Contextos Educativos: Revista de Educación},
 number = {10},
 pages = {155-168},
 year = {2007},
 issn = {1575-023X},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Media are actually involved in every aspect of our lives, what makes the political, social and educational forces be worried about their influence in our adolescents and children. This article summarizes the results of a research made by the University of Cordoba (at the Faculty of Education) that has studied the possibility that cartoons and TV programmes can be considered as a resource to develop specific contents of the Primary Education Curriculum.},