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@article{ McHardy2021,
 title = {Anonymity-Sunset-Dance-Party: On Other Selves and other Others},
 author = {McHardy, Julien},
 journal = {Hamburger Journal für Kulturanthropologie},
 number = {13},
 pages = {517-521},
 year = {2021},
 issn = {2365-1016},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Anonymity-Sunset-Dance-Party provides a commentary on the essays "Anonymität Tanzen" by Paula Helm and "Crypto Parties" by Linda Monsee. It draws on Whitehead's metaphor of the sunset, as an event that defies the bifurcation of nature, and the empirical material from the two essays to suggest that anonymity practices do not merely obscure identity but radically affect and potentially broaden subject formations. In doing so, it speaks to a politics of anonymity that goes beyond questions of identification.  },