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@book{ Šime2021,
 title = {The Role of Environment and Climate in Reshaping Comprehensive Security},
 author = {Šime, Zane},
 year = {2021},
 series = {Policy Brief / OSCE Academy in Bishkek},
 pages = {8},
 volume = {72},
 address = {Bishkek},
 publisher = {OSCE Academy in Bishkek},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Research forms a considerable proportion of understanding about the work and impact of the OSCE. Recognising this crucial role of knowledge production, complex interregionalism is the suggested framework for future analysis of the role that the OSCE, its Economic and Environmental Dimension, and the Environment and Security Initiative play in comprehensive (co-)governing of security in Europe. Climate change, as a general risk multiplier and an issue that has been a subject of measures adopted by several international and Europe-based organizations, allows for taking a fresh look at the earlier OSCE achievements, such as those accomplished via environmental confidence-building measures. Amidst the evolving understanding of the risk perception in Europe, past successes could be brought forward in a tailored manner by several strands of the Economic and Environmental Dimension. The recently commenced Decade of Action is an opportunity to strengthen the founding spirit of the Helsinki Final Act in alignment with the most recent considerations of comprehensive security. Reinvigorated attention to the complementarities delivered by other key European forums deserves further attention to discern the unique value-added delivery by the OSCE and the sustainability of its achieved results.},
 keywords = {OSZE; OSCE; Sicherheitspolitik; security policy; Umweltpolitik; environmental policy; internationale Zusammenarbeit; international cooperation}}