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@book{ Syssoeva2021,
 title = {Understanding the International Order of the Post-Soviet Region},
 author = {Syssoeva, Rigina},
 year = {2021},
 series = {Policy Brief / OSCE Academy in Bishkek},
 pages = {4},
 volume = {68},
 address = {Bishkek},
 publisher = {OSCE Academy in Bishkek},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The policy brief is dedicated to the theorization of current international relations in the post-Soviet area.1 The author comes to the conclusion that international order in the region can be characterized as a "Non-hegemonic cooperation" model, developed by the American political scientist Robert Keohane. The model refers to a system which does not need to be maintained by any hegemon. Instead of being controlled by only one actor, it is regulated by a framework of institutions and cooperation regimes. This model is the best characterization of the region, as currently there is no hegemon in the area able to control its international order. Instead of this, there are five important regime-making actors in the region that create the rules of cooperation. The author finds that the situation of the "Non-hegemonic cooperation" is convenient to all former Soviet states because it is in line with their foreign policy priorities, and further maintenance of this system is beneficial for all members.},
 keywords = {internationale Beziehungen; international relations; UdSSR-Nachfolgestaat; USSR successor state; Kooperation; cooperation; Hegemonie; hegemony}}