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@article{ Blum2021,
 title = {The Inclusiveness of Social Rights: The Case of Leave Policies},
 author = {Blum, Sonja and Dobrotić, Ivana},
 journal = {Social Inclusion},
 number = {2},
 pages = {222-226},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2021},
 issn = {2183-2803},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This thematic issue aims to deepen the theoretical as well as empirical knowledge on the inclusiveness of social rights, focussing on the revelatory case of parenting‐related leave policies. This editorial defines (leave) inclusiveness and discusses extant research on varying entitlements and eligibility criteria in the field of parenting leaves. It summarises the conceptual, methodological, and empirical contributions made by the articles in the thematic issue and closes with a research outlook.},
 keywords = {Elternschaft; parenthood; Familienpolitik; family policy; Kinderbetreuung; child care; Familie-Beruf; work-family balance; Elternurlaub; parental leave; Elternarbeit; parental involvement in education; Geschlechterverhältnis; gender relations}}