Bibtex export


@book{ Geimer2021,
 title = {Jahrbuch Dokumentarische Methode. Heft 4/2021},
 editor = {Geimer, Alexander and Klinge, Denise and Rundel, Stefan and Thomsen, Sarah},
 year = {2021},
 series = {JDM - Jahrbuch Dokumentarische Methode},
 pages = {287},
 volume = {4/2021},
 address = {Berlin},
 publisher = {centrum für qualitative evaluations- und sozialforschung e.V. (ces)},
 doi = {},
 keywords = {Wissenschaft; picture; communication; audiovisuelle Medien; science; video; Kommunikation; Bild; Comic; Lehre; learning; Video; comics; Lernen; audiovisual media; apprenticeship}}