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@article{ Blanco-Encomienda2020,
 title = {Association between work-related rumination, work environment and employee well-being: A meta-analytic study of main and moderator effects},
 author = {Blanco-Encomienda, Francisco Javier and García-Cantero, Rocío and Latorre-Medina, María José},
 journal = {Social Indicators Research},
 number = {3},
 pages = {887-910},
 volume = {150},
 year = {2020},
 issn = {0303-8300},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Rumination has been proposed to play a significant role as a potential mechanism impairing
the recovery process after work. This study examined two main effects: the association
between a negative work environment and work-related rumination, and the association
between work-related rumination and lack of employee well-being. Moreover, moderator
effects of age, seniority and gender were examined. For this purpose, a meta-analysis was
conducted. The results of a primary analysis indicated a significant association between
rumination and both negative work events and lack of well-being. Meta-regression analysis
revealed that the main effects are not moderated by the variables considered. Our findings
emphasize the importance of reducing ruminative thinking at both individual and organizational levels.},
 keywords = {Arbeitsumgebung; work environment; Wohlbefinden; well-being; Stress; psychophysical stress; psychische Folgen; psychological consequences}}