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@article{ Stijepic2021,
 title = {A cross-country study of skills and unemployment flows},
 author = {Stijepic, Damir},
 journal = {Journal for Labour Market Research},
 pages = {1-30},
 volume = {55},
 year = {2021},
 issn = {1867-8343},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Using an international survey that directly assesses the cognitive skills of the adult population, I study the relation between skills and unemployment flows across 37 countries. Depending on the specifically assessed domain, I document that skills have an unconditional correlation with the log-risk-ratio of exiting to entering unemployment of 0.65–0.68 across the advanced and skill-abundant countries in the sample. The relation is remarkably robust and it is unlikely to be due to reverse causality. I do not find evidence that this positive relation extends to the seven relatively less advanced and less skill-abundant countries in the sample: Peru, Ecuador, Indonesia, Mexico, Chile, Turkey and Kazakhstan.},
 keywords = {Arbeitslosigkeit; unemployment; kognitive Fähigkeit; cognitive ability; kognitive Faktoren; cognitive factors; Bildung; education; Bildungsniveau; level of education; Humankapital; human capital; internationaler Vergleich; international comparison}}