

@book{ 2021,
 title = {Building Blocks for a Regulation of LAWS and Human Control - Updated Recommendations to the GGE on LAWS (2021)},
 year = {2021},
 pages = {30},
 publisher = {International Panel on the Regulation of Autonomous Weapons (iPRAW)},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {iPRAW has identified three larger buildings blocks that can guide the creation of the normative and operational framework for a regulation of LAWS. These blocks are (1) challenges to be addressed by a regulation, (2) the human element at the core of any regulation of LAWS, and (3) actual elements of the framework. iPRAW maintains the approach that a future
regulation of LAWS should focus on the human element, especially human control in
the use of force.},
 keywords = {Militär; military; Waffe; weapon; neue Technologie; new technology; Regulierung; regulation; internationales Recht; international law; Sicherheit; security}}