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@book{ Polak2021,
 title = {Human Rights in German Development Cooperation: Aspirations and Implementation},
 author = {Polak, Jan Tobias and Smidt, Lea and Taube, Lena},
 year = {2021},
 series = {DEval Policy Brief},
 pages = {4},
 volume = {7/2021},
 address = {Bonn},
 publisher = {Deutsches Evaluierungsinstitut der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (DEval)},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In 2021 the German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval) evaluated the BMZ’s human rights work for the first time. The first part of the evaluation, the findings of which are summarised in this Policy Brief, examined the conceptual foundations of the human rights-based approach and its implementation.},
 keywords = {Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Federal Republic of Germany; Entwicklungshilfe; Entwicklungspolitik; Menschenrechte; development aid; development policy; human rights}}