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@article{ Hirschhausen2006,
 title = {"New Imperialism" oder "Liberal Empire"? Niall Fergusons Empire-Apologetik im Zeichen der "Anglobalization"},
 author = {Hirschhausen, Ulrike von and Leonhard, Jörn},
 journal = {Zeithistorische Forschungen / Studies in Contemporary History},
 number = {1},
 pages = {121-128},
 volume = {3},
 year = {2006},
 issn = {1612-6041},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Rezensionen zu: 1) Ferguson, Niall: Empire. How Britain Made the Modern World, London: Allen Lane 2003. ISBN: 0-7139-9615-3 2) Ferguson, Niall:  Colossus. The Price of America’s Empire, New York: Penguin Press 2004},